Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July!  Here, it means drinking and fireworks ALL weekend.  Picnics and BBQs and people playing cornhole (not what you think it is, really).  For me, It meant going out Friday and Saturday.  Lunch and shopping with a friend and not much else.  Unless you want to count all the videos I watched yesterday.  That of course, contributed to me lying on the couch and kind of eating everything :(

Today was going to be the day to try and make up for it.  Moving around, tracking all of the food that I eat, etc, etc.  That might have worked if I had gotten out of be before 1:30.  *SIGH*  I suppose I will never be one of those perfect bloggers with the perfect life.  Don't expect me to be anything but just as flawed as everyone else and we will get along fine :)

Almost Friday!

Well, I was going to write about how I don't feel good and I'm not allowed to work from home, but I just changed my mind right now. You don't need to hear that. Let's see what else I got....

I just found some tea that I forgot I had. It may seem drool, but it is exciting for me. I discovered a tea shop in one of the malls here called Trevana. When I went there, I may have gone a little nuts. I bought three different types of tea and a pitcher/diffuser. I am currently brewing assam for some iced tea, You know, plus some good old Luzianne tea. Yep - I'm a dweeb.

In other news, I am going to be trying out some experiments with spinach and fontina chicken sausages from Trader Joe's. I was thinking of sauteing some peppers and onions, then mixing in the ragu. Adding the seasonings and simmer. Then I might slice up the sausages and add them in while it is simmering and toss it with some large rigatoni. Sound good? I hope it is. The only thing I am missing is the peppers I forgot to grab at Food Lion. Doh!

Now I am off to make breakfast for tomorrow morning. Ham, potatoes, egg, egg white and milk!! Maybe a piece of toast. I haven't really decided that part yet.

Have a good Friday!!